Getting Started

  • Create a new DO instance (whatever size, need to load test this)
  • Setup ssh keys for the instance
  • Clone
  • In a separate directory, clone
  • Change the domain names and relative directory of api if needed.
  • Run the ./ to start all the services, and ./ to stop everything

Droplet Components

  • Traefik + Let’s Encrypt
    • This is the main proxy where all the traffic comes through and gets directed to different containers.
    • See config for additional configurations on this
  • Prometheus
    • Where all the logs are aggregated. This is connected to an external Grafana instance for monitoring
    • See prometheus.yml for the different services we’re monitoring
  • hnr-api
    • This is where out API is deployed

Observability Tools

  • Traefik Metrics
  • Node Exporter
  • prometheus-net

Grafana Dashboards

  • We have a couple of Grafana dashboards to visualize the time series data we can get from Prometheus. Tentatively, we have three main dashboards
  • Node Exporter - This gives us info on system details: RAM, CPU Usage, Networking
  • Traefik - This gives us overall incoming and outgoing traffic information
  • ASP.NET Core Dashboard - This gives us detailed per controller information on the API calls - This isn’t very detailed, but is the best template I can find. Probably need to construct our own dashboard for this